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  • Writer's pictureKien To

5 Benefits of Video Content for Calgary Businesses

The evolution of how we use the internet has vastly changed the way we do business. WIth that being said, there is a shift in mindset and added tasks that can seem daunting to a business owner. In addition, Gen Z making up the majority of social app users AND of the workforce will equate to them having the most buying power in the next decade. I make these statements to let you know that making moves digitally has its benefits. Here are five:

  1. More Consumer Trust

Ultimately, putting videos out there accelerates your currency of business which are ‘know’, ‘like’ and ‘trust’. Showing your personality and presenting information through video is a good way to position your business and brand as a trustworthy authority in the industry.

  1. Increase Engagement

This is all about audience consumption habits. As a result of social platforms prioritizing videos now, consumers are more accepting of engaging with your video content, therefore, increasing your chances to show up to new people with the algorithms and creating a snowball effect.

  1. Stronger Digital Presence

There’s no avoiding the digital storefront. With a stronger online presence comes with a higher degree of perceived value. When your digital presence is strong, you attract the right type of customers.

  1. Increased Conversions

Being on top-of-mind is a huge advantage for your brand. For the same reasons why Nike or Mcdonalds still purchase advertisements, the effectiveness of reminding people about what you offer is in direct relation to how many leads you close.

  1. Build a Community of Support

There are strategies to this, but making your video content more relatable has its ability to garner your own community of people who resonate with your company’s mission and purpose. When you have people supporting what your brand believes in, word of mouth becomes even more powerful. With increased understanding, comes increased credibility in the niche that you serve.

There are many business owners in Calgary who understand these benefits but there is still a barrier to entry due to not knowing what kind of videos or what kind of topics they should cover. You can fill out my form and we can schedule a free consultation.

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